Hydrating and Repairng moisturizing Set (Aqua Concentrate + Treatment Lotion)
Hydrating and Repairng moisturizing Set (Aqua Concentrate + Treatment Lotion)

Hydrating and Repairng moisturizing Set (Aqua Concentrate + Treatment Lotion)

正常價格 $354.00 銷售價格 $299.00



深層活化修復補水套裝 (Aqua Concentrate + Treatment Lotion)
修護補水保濕霜 Repair Aqua Concentrate (60ml)
活化肌膚精華爽膚水 Activating Treatment Lotion (180毫升)

Rovectin 活化肌膚精華爽膚水Rovectin 皮膚精華激活治療乳液可為皮膚提供強效補水。Barrier Repair Complex™可帶走死皮細胞,有助於修復皮膚的天然保濕膜。透明質酸和天然咖啡因,可滋潤和活化肌膚。Aqua Cell Activator™可增強皮膚的水分和緊緻度,同時有助於促進皮膚光滑。含有豐富的抗氧化劑維他命E,可滋養皮膚並改善皮膚紋理


清潔後,在掌心或化妝棉上取適量,均勻塗抹在臉上。 避開眼睛和嘴唇區域。 輕輕拍打直至完全吸收。

Rovectin 修護補水保濕霜含玻尿酸精華,能有效為皮膚補充流失的水分。具有提亮膚色,深層補水的保濕效果。

容量:60 ml

使用方法:作為日常保養的臉部保濕霜。 潔面後,於早晚取適量產品均勻塗抹於臉部和頸部並輕輕按摩。可以搭配 Rovectin 臉部肌膚護理油一起使用以達到最佳效果。

Caution: Keep away from the reach of children to prevent swallowing. Stop using the product if you see or experience any redness or irritation after using this product. If irritation persists, please consult a dermatologist. For sensitive skin, please carry out partial skin sensitive test before using to ensure no skin irritation. Keep in a dry place and avoid direct sunshine.